It reminds me of the beach (I go to). You get in the water and all the sludge, darkness and rocks are right at the shore. No one likes walking through that with bare feet to get to the sandbar but you know that once you pass crab corner and rock central there is soft clear sand waiting to be squished between your toes. And those big ass crabs are scarce but easier to spot should they pass by. In their place are small little hermit crabs scurrying over your toes and they are harmless. What an analogy to life!! I live by the beach, obviously...
Being there for my friends makes me feel better because it only proved that all the work I’m doing with Michael is starting to filter through and it shows that I'm grasping new concepts that I’m learning. Sigh with me, ahhh. I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I am so thankful to be there to emotionally guide them, when once they were the ones guiding me through. I feel like I'm able to be there for each them in ways I have never been before. I’m starting to appreciate the dynamic of my best friends a lot more. I truely care for them all and each person that gives part of their life to me, whether I've known them a month or a millenium, I honor and cherish their presence and what they've contributed to my knowledge of the world and it's people.
I would never downplay that. I wish some of them wouldn't either.
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